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Ruby developer, Rails critic, open source maintainer, creator of Shrine, vim-test and rodauth-rails.


Passkey Authentication with Rodauth

Upgrading from Selenium to Cuprite


Social Login in Rails with Rodauth

What It Took to Build a Rails Integration for Rodauth

How I Enabled Sequel to Reuse Active Record's Database Connection


Anything I Want With Sequel And Postgres

Interesting throw/catch behaviour in Ruby


Multifactor Authentication in Rails with Rodauth

Rails Authentication with Rodauth

Inserting from SELECT with Sequel

The Complexity of Active Record Transactions

Rodauth: A Refreshing Authentication Solution for Ruby


Better File Uploads with Shrine: Eager Processing

Shrine 3.0 Released

Upcoming Features in Shrine 3.0


Building SQL Expressions with Sequel

Http.rb is Great

ImageProcessing 1.0 Released

Better File Uploads with Shrine: Direct Uploads


Better File Uploads with Shrine: Metadata

Better File Uploads with Shrine: Processing

Better File Uploads with Shrine: Attachment

Better File Uploads with Shrine: Uploader

Better File Uploads with Shrine: Motivation

Resumable File Uploads in Ruby

Partial Downloads with Enumerators and Fibers

Shrine meets Transloadit

Improving open-uri

Evaluating (Ruby) Libraries

Shrine 2.0 Released

ActiveRecord is reinventing Sequel

Asynchronous File Uploads


Introducing Shrine – A file upload toolkit

The plugin system of Sequel and Roda

Introduction to Roda

Ode to Sequel

Finder Objects

Let's keep frontend outside of Ruby

Require only what you require