What It Took to Build a Rails Integration for Rodauth
When Rodauth came out, I was excited to finally have a full-featured authentication framework that wasn’t tied to Rails, given that existing solutions required either Rails (Devise, Sorcery), or at least Active Record (Authlogic). Even though I mainly develop in Rails, I want other Ruby web frameworks to be viable alternatives, so I’m naturally drawn to generic solutions that everyone can use.
Even though Rodauth is built on top of Roda and Sequel, it can work as a Rack middleware in any Ruby web framework. In the beginning, there was a demo app showing how Rodauth can be used in Rails, which leveraged the (now discontinued) roda-rails gem. However, the integration felt fairly raw, and definitely lacked the ergonomics Rails developers are used to.
Rodauth has a vast feature set, but if it was going to compete with other authentication solutions, it needed to match their level of convenience in context of Rails. That meant deeply integrating into the Rails framework, having clear drawers where code goes, and defaults that are easy to get started with. At the start of 2020, I set on a mission to make using Rodauth in Rails easy.
Initial spike
I first created a demo Rails app, and started setting up Rodauth there. In the early iterations, I managed to hook up view rendering, flash messages, CSRF protection, and email delivery to use Rails instead of Roda, with significantly less code compared to roda-rails. I also managed to make Rodauth code reloadable by inserting a proxy Rack middleware that just calls the Roda app.
# app/misc/rodauth_app.rb
class RodauthApp < Roda
plugin :rodauth, csrf: false, flash: false do
enable :rails, :login, :create_account, :verify_account, :reset_password, :logout
# ... rodauth configuration ...
route do |r|
r.rodauth # handle rodauth requests
# lib/rodauth/features/rails.rb
module Rodauth
Feature.define(:rails, :Rails) do
# ... rails integration ...
# config/initializers/rodauth.rb
class RodauthMiddleware
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)
RodauthApp.new(@app).call(env) # keeps RodauthApp reloadable
Rails.application.config.middleware.use RodauthMiddleware
Once I felt things were functioning well enough, I extracted the glue code into the rodauth-rails gem and added tests. I also included an install generator, which created the initial skeleton with sensible default configuration. A new Roda superclass provided a convenience configure
method for loading the Rodauth plugin together with the rails
$ bundle add rodauth-rails
$ rails generate rodauth:install
# app/misc/rodauth_app.rb
class RodauthApp < Rodauth::Rails::App
configure do # automatically loads the rails feature
enable :login, :create_account, :verify_account, :reset_password, :logout
# ... rodauth configuration ...
route do |r|
r.rodauth # handle rodauth requests
By default, Rodauth uses database authentication functions for password matching, which coupled with a two-user database setup allows protecting password hashes even in case of SQL injection (read here on how this works). However, I felt this complexity could be daunting when getting started, so I changed the default to do password matching in ruby instead.
use_database_authentication_functions? false
account_password_hash_column :password_hash
Rodauth also optionally uses HMACs for signing tokens, providing additional security. Since this is quite important, rodauth-rails turns this on by setting the HMAC secret to the Rails’ secret key base.
hmac_secret { Rails.application.secret_key_base }
Active Record
While Rodauth uses Sequel for database interaction, most Rails apps are using Active Record. This meant Rodauth needed to work seamlessly alongside Active Record.
One idea was to develop a Rodauth extension that replaces all Sequel calls with Active Record code. However, given Rodauth’s advanced SQL usage, that would’ve been a monumental effort. It would also have been a huge maintenance burden, since the extension would break with new Rodauth changes, and 3rd-party Rodauth extensions would need to maintain their own Active Record integrations.
So, the initial integration simply connected Sequel to the same database Active Record was connected to, which was then picked up by Rodauth.
db_config = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_db_config
Sequel.connect(adapter: db_config.adapter, database: db_config.database)
However, I noticed that this breaks features such as maintaining test schema, which requires temporarily disconnecting from the database in order to re-create the test database; even though Active Record connections were closed, Sequel was still holding an open connection, which was blocking database dropping. To address this, I extended Active Record to connect & disconnect Sequel in lockstep with Active Record.
This worked, but I quickly encountered a new kind of problem. Because Active Record and Sequel used separate database connections, Active Record code couldn’t reference records created within a Sequel transaction, because to that connection the record simply doesn’t exist (remember, database transactions are tied to a connection).
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :account
class RodauthApp < Rodauth::Rails::App
configure do
# we're still in a Sequel transaction that created the account record
after_create_account do
# creating an associated record with Sequel worked:
# db[:profiles].insert(account_id: account_id, name: "New User")
# but with Active Record it failed with a foreign key constraint violation:
Profile.create!(account_id: account_id, name: "New User") # ~> account record not found
My goal was for developers not to have to care that Rodauth uses Sequel, so calling Active Record inside Rodauth should just work. Moreover, Bruno Sutic warned me if Sequel uses a separate database connection, it would mean production databases would have up to twice as many open connections. It became apparent this approach could never achieve the desired developer experience.
Just browsed the repo. Sequel connection is a bummer.
— Josef Strzibny (@strzibnyj) April 23, 2020
For the integration to work, I would need to make Sequel reuse Active Record’s database connection. I discussed this idea with Jeremy Evans (the lead Sequel maintainer), and he provided me with some guidance, thanks to which I was able to come up a solution. It was a Sequel extension that retrieved Active Record connections, kept transaction state and callbacks synchronized between Sequel and Active Record, integrated SQL instrumentation, and reconciliated adapter differences (see my previous article for more details).
$ bundle add sequel-activerecord_connection
DB = Sequel.postgres(extensions: :activerecord_connection)
DB[:accounts].all # uses Active Record's database connection
Unlike Devise or Sorcery, Rodauth is completely decoupled from models, and any calls need to go through the Rodauth object. If you need to perform Rodauth actions outside of an HTTP request, you can use the internal request feature, which makes an actual Rack call to the Rodauth app:
# performing rodauth actions (class level)
RodauthApp.rodauth.create_account(login: "user@example.com", password: "secret123")
RodauthApp.rodauth.verify_account(account_login: "user@example.com")
# calling rodauth methods (instance level)
rodauth = Rodauth::Rails.rodauth(account_login: "user@example.com")
rodauth.get_password_reset_key(account_id) #=> "DS6dtRNnvzSCWzm8jg4lltOzBE5vTN_xflNdToIPw3A"
rodauth.recovery_codes #=> ["30GRJkr1BheZztvFZcDeRSNy6yhzigXH6zB-yvzP4Io", ...]
While I love this decoupling, it would still be nice to be able to at least create accounts and retrieve associations directly through the model. So, I created the rodauth-model gem, which provides an interface similar to Active Record’s has_secure_password
, and defines associations based on your Rodauth configuration (together with associated models).
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
include Rodauth::Rails.model
# generating a password hash
account = Account.create(email: "user@example.com", password: "secret123")
account.password_hash #=> "$2a$12$k/Ub1I2iomi84RacqY89Hu4.M0vK7klRnRtzorDyvOkVI.hKhkNw."
account.password_reset_key #=> #<Account::PasswordResetKey id: 1, key: "DS6dtRNnvzSCWzm8jg4lltOzBE5vTN_xflNdToIPw3A" ...>
account.recovery_codes #=> [#<Account::RecoveryCode id: 1, code: "30GRJkr1BheZztvFZcDeRSNy6yhzigXH6zB-yvzP4Io">, ...]
Rodauth stores account statuses (unverified, verified, closed) as integers, but we can use ActiveRecord::Enum
to map them to strings, which is what the install generator now does.
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
# ...
enum :status, unverified: 1, verified: 2, closed: 3
account = Account.find(123)
account.status #=> "unverified"
account.verified? #=> false
account.status = "verified"
account.verified? #=> true
Account.closed #=> [#<Account id: 456, status: "closed" ...>, ...]
Routes introspection
In this architecture, Rodauth routes are handled by the Rack middleware that’s sitting in front of the Rails router. This has the benefit of allowing you to perform authentication actions such as requiring authentication, checking active sessions, and remembering from cookie in a single place, thus better encapsulating authentication logic.
However, since Rodauth routes aren’t registered within the Rails router, they don’t show up in rails routes
. Rails’ routes introspection doesn’t currently have capability of registering custom routes, and Roda’s routing is dynamic, so it’s not possible to retrieve its routes programmatically.
Eventually I managed to implement a rodauth:routes
Rake task, which retrieves the route paths from the Rodauth app, and parses the source code for HTTP verbs. It’s not ideal, but it should be good enough.
$ rails rodauth:routes
# Routes handled by RodauthApp:
# GET/POST /login rodauth.login_path
# GET/POST /create-account rodauth.create_account_path
# POST /email-auth-request rodauth.email_auth_request_path
# GET/POST /email-auth rodauth.email_auth_path
# GET/POST /logout rodauth.logout_path
# GET/POST /reset-password-request rodauth.reset_password_request_path
# GET/POST /reset-password rodauth.reset_password_path
# GET/POST /change-password rodauth.change_password_path
# GET/POST /change-login rodauth.change_login_path
# GET/POST /verify-login-change rodauth.verify_login_change_path
# GET/POST /close-account rodauth.close_account_path
# GET/POST /verify-account-resend rodauth.verify_account_resend_path
# GET/POST /verify-account rodauth.verify_account_path
# GET /admin/multifactor-manage rodauth(:admin).two_factor_manage_path
# GET /admin/multifactor-auth rodauth(:admin).two_factor_auth_path
# GET/POST /admin/multifactor-disable rodauth(:admin).two_factor_disable_path
# GET/POST /admin/otp-auth rodauth(:admin).otp_auth_path
# GET/POST /admin/otp-setup rodauth(:admin).otp_setup_path
# GET/POST /admin/otp-disable rodauth(:admin).otp_disable_path
# GET/POST /admin/recovery-auth rodauth(:admin).recovery_auth_path
# GET/POST /admin/recovery-codes rodauth(:admin).recovery_codes_path
# POST /admin/unlock-account-request rodauth(:admin).unlock_account_request_path
# GET/POST /admin/unlock-account rodauth(:admin).unlock_account_path
Before working on this gem, I didn’t realize how important code generators are for convenience, and also how difficult they are to get right. There are currently three generators rodauth-rails ships with:
– sets up initial skeleton with default auth features and migrations -
– imports ERB view templates for customization -
– generates migrations for selected authentication features
The generators needed to handle various scenarios, such as RSpec vs Minitest, fixtures vs factory_bot, Active Record vs Sequel, different SQL adapters, API-only mode, UUID primary keys, and more.
Schema migrations
I wanted to remove any Sequel code from sight, so I translated Sequel migrations into Active Record code, and generated those in Active Record migrations. If Sequel happens to be used as the main database library, we’d generate Sequel migrations instead.
$ rails generate rodauth:migration otp active_sessions
# create db/migrate/20221012110706_create_rodauth_otp_active_sessions.rb
class CreateRodauthOtpActiveSessions < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def change
# Used by the otp feature
create_table :account_otp_keys do |t|
t.foreign_key :accounts, column: :id
t.string :key, null: false
t.integer :num_failures, null: false, default: 0
t.datetime :last_use, null: false, default: -> { "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" }
# Used by the active sessions feature
create_table :account_active_session_keys, primary_key: [:account_id, :session_id] do |t|
t.references :account, foreign_key: true
t.string :session_id
t.datetime :created_at, null: false, default: -> { "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" }
t.datetime :last_use, null: false, default: -> { "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" }
View templates
The built-in view templates use Tilt’s interpolated string engine, which avoids ERB dependency, but requires work to adapt for Rails. So, rodauth-rails’ views generator imports already converted ERB view templates that use familiar Rails’ form helpers.
$ rails generate rodauth:views login create_account lockout
# create app/views/rodauth/_login_form.html.erb
# create app/views/rodauth/_login_form_footer.html.erb
# create app/views/rodauth/_login_form_header.html.erb
# create app/views/rodauth/login.html.erb
# create app/views/rodauth/multi_phase_login.html.erb
# create app/views/rodauth/create_account.html.erb
# create app/views/rodauth/unlock_account_request.html.erb
# create app/views/rodauth/unlock_account.html.erb
<%= form_with url: rodauth.unlock_account_path, method: :post, data: { turbo: false } do |form| %>
<%== rodauth.unlock_account_explanatory_text %>
<% if rodauth.unlock_account_requires_password? %>
<div class="mb-3">
<%= form.label "password", rodauth.password_label, class: "form-label" %>
<%= form.password_field rodauth.password_param, value: "", id: "password", autocomplete: rodauth.password_field_autocomplete_value, required: true, class: "form-control #{"is-invalid" if rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param)}", aria: ({ invalid: true, describedby: "password_error_message" } if rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param)) %>
<%= content_tag(:span, rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param), class: "invalid-feedback", id: "password_error_message") if rodauth.field_error(rodauth.password_param) %>
<% end %>
<div class="mb-3">
<%= form.submit rodauth.unlock_account_button, class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<% end %>
Because not all Rodauth actions are Turbo-compatible (multi-phase login and viewing recovery codes return a 200 response on form submits), I have chosen to disable Turbo by default for all HTML forms, to ensure everything works.
Future plans
I would like the migration generator to support database authentication functions, to make it easier for developers to better secure their password hashes. I have been working on it on & off, but it’s fairly complex to generate correct migration code, especially since different SQL databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server) require different setups.
Default Rodauth view templates use Bootstrap markup, but Ben Koshy has been working on adding Tailwind CSS support, which will be a nice addition. You’ll be able to pass
, which will be the default when thetailwindcss-rails
gem is used. -
I want to make it easier for 3rd-party Rodauth extensions to provide migrations/views for Rails generators. The rodauth-oauth gem currently provides its own generators (
), but it would be nice if they didn’t have to be duplicated. -
Rodauth methods are called through the Rodauth object, and you’re encouraged to define convenience controller/view helpers that suit your application’s needs. That being said, having some default helpers like Devise has (and even something like Devise groups) probably might go a long way. I was also considering more convenient routing helpers, perhaps even a builder for defining custom ones.
# config/routes.rb Rails.application.routes.draw do # this is what we have today constraints Rodauth::Rails.authenticated do # ... end # but maybe Devise syntax is worthwhile authenticate do # ... end end
Closing words
There are many more things the Rails integration takes care of, such as ignoring asset requests from Sprockets or Propshaft, instrumentation/logging of Rodauth requests, executing controller callbacks & rescue handlers, handling background emails, testing helpers, and Rails 4.2+ & JRuby support. But I think I rambled on for long enough.
The purpose for this article wasn’t to bolster on my achievements, but to share my realization about the price of convenience, and how much work it can actually take integrate a generic library into Rails, especially when it does the work of a Rails engine. I cannot thank Jeremy Evans enough for discussing, reviewing, and merging every one of my additions to Rodauth that helped enable a smooth Rails integration
I hope I fulfilled my goal of making Rodauth easy to work with in Rails. That being said, I’m grateful for the continuous feedback I’m getting from people that are using Rodauth. I’m trying to convert many of my answers into a wiki page, a how-to guide or a screencast, to grow the knowledge around handling common use cases.