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Shrine meets Transloadit

When I’m building web applications, a requirement that almost always comes up is that the app needs to accept file uploads. It can be an app with users that have profile images, posts that have cover photos and some additional documents attached, or whole galleries where people can upload many photos or videos.

Because I wasn’t satisfied with current Ruby libraries for handling file attachments, I created Shrine. Its goal was to give you complete control over the whole attachment process, while still keeping convenience. It comes with many advanced features out-of-the-box, most notable being the ability to build a fully asynchronous user experience using direct uploads and background jobs.

In order to best display uploaded files to the users, we usually want to apply some kind of processing beforehand. We might want to generate multiple sizes of an uploaded image, split PDF pages into individual images, or encode videos and extract thumbnails from them. Like other file upload libraries, Shrine allows us to perform our own processing.

However, doing your own processing comes at a cost of having to scale it, so it often makes sense to delegate processing to a dedicate service, which gives you more time to focus on the business logic of your application. One service for file processing that really impressed me is Transloadit.


Transloadit is a service for uploading and processing any kind of media, including images, videos, audio, and documents, along with importing from and exporting to various storage services. It is extremely versatile, and by doing processing asynchronously it’s suitable for both quick processing and long running jobs. Transloadit is also the company behind tus, an open protocol for resumable file uploads.

Unlike most other file processing services, Transloadit is only in charge of processing, and allows you to export the processed files to dedicated storage services like Amazon S3. This means that Transloadit will work as an addition to your primary storage, not a replacement. It also means that our file attachments library needs to be flexible enough to support implementing this kind of flow.

Luckily, Shrine’s plugin system allows us to easily extend any part of Shrine, enabling us to add Transloadit-specific methods and intercept default actions. Using this and Transloadit’s Ruby SDK, I created shrine-transloadit.


Let’s assume that we have an application which already accepts photo uploads to Amazon S3 using Shrine, and we want to add processing with Transloadit. First, we need to create our S3 credentails in Transloadit, let’s say we named them s3_store.

Now we can configure Shrine and shrine-transloadit with our credentials:

gem "shrine", "~> 3.0"
gem "aws-sdk-s3", "~> 1.14" # for Amazon S3
gem "shrine-transloadit", "~> 1.0"
require "shrine"
require "shrine/storage/s3"

s3_options = {
  access_key_id:     "<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID>",
  secret_access_key: "<YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>",
  region:            "<YOUR_REGION>",
  bucket:            "<YOUR_BUCKET>",

Shrine.storages = {
  cache: Shrine::Storage::S3.new(prefix: "cache", **s3_options),
  store: Shrine::Storage::S3.new(**s3_options),

Shrine.plugin :transloadit,
  auth: {
    key:    "<YOUR_TRANSLOADIT_KEY>",
  credentials: {
    cache: :s3_store, # use "s3_store" for :cache storage credentials
    store: :s3_store, # use "s3_store" for :store storage credentials

Shrine.plugin :derivatives # for storing processed results

Next, we can define a “processor” that will create a Transloadit assembly, and a “saver” that will save the processed results:

class ImageUploader < Shrine
  Attacher.transloadit_processor do
    import   = file.transloadit_import_step
    optimize = transloadit_step "optimize", "/image/optimize", use: import
    resize   = transloadit_step "resize",   "/image/resize",   use: import, width: 300
    export   = store.transloadit_export_step use: [import, optimize, resize]

    assembly = transloadit.assembly(steps: [import, optimize, resize, export])

  Attacher.transloadit_processor do |results|
    optimized = store.transloadit_file(results["optimize"])
    thumbnail = store.transloadit_file(results["resize"])

    merge_derivatives(optimized: optimized, thumbnail: thumbnail)

Now we’re ready to perform the processing with Transloadit:

class PhotosController < ApplicationController
  def create
    photo = Photo.create(photo_params)

    ProcessImageJob.perform_later(photo, :image)

    # ...
class ProcessImageJob < ActiveJob::Base
  def perform(record, name)
    attacher = record.send(:"#{name}_attacher")

    response = attacher.transloadit_process # calls processor

    attacher.transloadit_save(response["results"]) # calls saver

And that’s it! Now when we upload an image to S3 and save the database record, a background job will be spawned which will trigger Transloadit processing. When Transloadit is finished, the processing results will be saved into the database record.

photo.image_derivatives #=>
# {
#   optimized: #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>,
#   thumbnail: #<Shrine::UploadedFile ...>,
# }

If you want to see how it all fits together, I created a demo app using shrine-transloadit, which is a good starting point for anyone wanting to add Transloadit to their Ruby applications. For any additional information head out to the shrine-transloadit GitHub respository.


Thanks to shrine-transloadit, we were able to easily delegate processing to an external service, and have the processed results saved to the database record. Transloadit has a rich arsenal of “robots”, so we still have incredible flexibility in how we want to do our processing, but without the hassle of having to scale it.

Janko Marohnić

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