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Introduction to Roda

When I decided that I want to move away from Rails, I have investigated and experimented with a lot of other Ruby web frameworks (Sinatra, Grape and Lotus), but this one really stood out in every regard, and it became my framework of choice. That’s why I want to show it to you.

Roda is a web framework built on top of Rack, created by Jeremy Evans, that started as a fork of Cuba and was inspired by Sinatra. The following is the simplest app you can make in Roda, which returns “Hello world!” for every request:

# config.ru
require "roda"
Roda.route { "Hello world!" }
run Roda.app

Let’s explain what the official Roda description means:

Roda is a routing tree web framework toolkit.

The routing tree

Roda (and Cuba) have a very unique approach to routing compared to Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks. In Roda you route incoming requests dynamically as they come.

class App < Roda
  route do |r| # the request object
    r.on "albums" do
      r.is "recent" do
        r.get do
          @albums = Album.recent

Let’s see what’s going on here. First, we subclass Roda (the same way we subclass Sinatra::Base or Rails::Application). The route block is called whenever a new request comes in. It is yielded an instance of a subclass of Rack::Request with some additional methods for matching routes. By convention, this argument is named r (for “request”).

Firstly, if the path of the request starts with “/albums”, the request will be matched by the r.on call, calling the given block. Next it will be matched by the r.is call if the path continues and ends with “/recent” (r.is is a terminal matcher). Finally, r.get will match only GET requests. Altogether, this route block handles GET /albums/recent requests by assigning a list of recent albums.

The reason why this is called a “routing tree” is because routing is branched. If the request doesn’t start with “/albums”, the whole r.on "albums" block (“branch”) is immediately discarded and routing continues to next branches.

Ok, so far this looks like a flavor of Grape with a weird syntax. But the difference is that the route block is called each time a request is made, so this routing is actually happening in real-time. This means that you can handle the request while you’re routing it. And this is where it gets cool.

class App < Roda
  plugin :all_verbs

  route do |r|
    r.on "albums" do

      r.is ":id" do |id|
        @album = current_user.albums.find(id)

        r.get do

        r.put do

        r.delete do

Since all of these 3 “/albums/:id” routes have to first find the album, we can assign the album as soon as we know that the path is going to be “albums/:id”, and then we reference it anywhere down that branch. We can also require login for any “/albums*” requests. In other web frameworks you would solve this with before filters in order to avoid duplication, but that splits code that should be together into different lexical scopes, making it harder to follow. With Roda you can write DRY code in a very readable way.

This is a new concept, and it opens a whole new world of routing possibilities. From other web frameworks we are used to routing only by the request path and method. But why not also route by request headers or parameters?

class App < Roda
  plugin :header_matchers
  plugin :symbol_matchers

  route do |r|
    # If the "Authorization" header is set, we return that user's posts
    r.get "posts", header: "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" do
      @posts = current_user.posts

    # Otherwise we return all posts
    r.get "posts" do
      @posts = Post.all

    # Matches "/" if the "mobile" query parameter is passed in
    r.root param: "mobile" do
      # Matches "?mobile=true"

    # We can do whatever we want, even throw in some conditionals
    if current_user.admin?
      run MonitoringApp # routes the request to the Rack application

As you can see, Roda’s routing tree is very powerful, because you have the complete control. But if you don’t like it, you can just use Roda like Sinatra.

A toolkit

By design, Roda has a very small core (450 LOC) providing only the essentials. All additional features are loaded via plugins that ship with Roda. This is why Roda is a “web framework toolkit”, using a combination of Roda plugins you can build your own flavor of the web framework that suits your needs, and choose exactly the amount of complexity you need.

In my opinion, this is much better than Cuba’s philosophy, where the gem consists only of a small core, and doesn’t contain any plugins by itself. You will always need more functionality than the 250 LOC that Cuba gives you, but it’s not easy to search for external plugins which are scattered all around. Roda ships with lots of awesome plugins for everyday situations, which are maintained with the same level of quality as Roda itself, so you’ll rarely need external ones.

Roda comes with over 60 plugins built in, so I want to show you some highlights.

Render & Assets

The “render” plugin adds support for template rendering using Tilt, and the “assets” plugin adds asset (pre)compilation and management (also using Tilt).

plugin :render, engine: "haml"
plugin :assets, css: "app.css", js: "app.js"

route do |r|
  r.assets # adds routes to your assets

  r.is "foo"
    view "foo" # renders views/foo.haml inside views/layout.haml

  r.is "bar"
    view "bar" # renders views/bar.haml


Like Sinatra, Roda uses the return value of the block as the response body. But unlike Sinatra, Roda knows what’s been returned in the block, and with the “json” plugin you can add automatic JSON serialization for those values.

plugin :json, classes: [Array, Hash, ActiveRecord::Base, ActiveRecord::Relation],
  serializer: proc { |object|
    case object
    when Array, Hash

route do |r|
  r.get "albums/recent" do

  r.get "albums/:id" do |id|


The “caching” plugin adds helper methods for setting HTTP caching headers.

plugin :caching

route do |r|
  r.get "albums" do
    r.last_modified Album.max(:updated_at)
    @albums = Album.all

  r.get "albums/:id" do |id|
    @album = Album.find(id)
    r.etag @album.sha1

  r.get "albums/popular" do
    @albums = Album.popular
    response.cache_control public: true, max_age: 60 # HTTP/1.1
    response.expires 60                              # HTTP/1.0


The “path” plugin adds support for named paths (similar to Rails).

plugin :path

# static
path :albums, "/albums"
# with an argument
path(:album) { |album| "/albums/#{album.id}" }
# polymorphic
path(Artist) { |artist, *paths| "/artists/#{artist.id}/#{paths.join("/")}" }

route do |r|
  r.post "albums" do
    album = Album.create(r.params["album"])
    r.redirect album_path(album) # /albums/1

  r.delete "albums/:id" do |id|
    r.redirect albums_path # /albums

  r.get "artists/:id" do |id|
    artist = Artist.find(id)
    r.redirect path(artist, "albums", "top") # /artists/1/albums/top

Sinatra helpers

This plugin ports most of the helper methods defined in Sinatra::Helpers to Roda, which is awesome if you’re transitioning from Sinatra.

plugin :sinatra_helpers

This will fill your app’s instance methods, which you can then use in the route block.

# Request methods
redirect back
error 500, "Invalid parameters"
not_found "The record was not found"
send_file "path/to/file.txt"

# Response methods
body "Winter is coming"
status 301
mime_type :json

# And more...

Limitations & Caveats

One downside of using Roda’s routing tree is that, since routes are not stored in any data structure (because requests are routed dynamically as they come in), you cannot introspect the routes of the routing tree. In other words, it’s not possible to implement a rake routes task.

However, you can leave comments above your routes using a special syntax, and use the roda-route_list plugin/command-line tool to parse those comments and print the routes.

Another caveat that you should be careful about when using Roda’s routing tree is that, if you handled the request, you should always explicitly return a string that will be written as the response body. For example, a POST /contact request to the following app would return a 404:

require "mail"

class App < Roda
  route do |r|
    r.post "contact" do
      Mail.deliver { ... }

This is because Mail.deliver returns an instance of Mail::Message, and since it isn’t a String, Roda ignores that value and considers the branch unhandled. The correct thing to do in this case is to return "" at the end of the block. After a discussion with Jeremy Evans I realized that, because of the dynamic nature of the routing tree, it’s good that Roda forces you to explicitly state that you handled the request.


I’m really amazed by Roda’s design, how carefully the framework was thought through, and the arsenal of its features (I only covered 1/10 of Roda’s plugins). I love the completely new approach to routing with the routing tree, I think this power becomes more and more useful as the application grows in complexity. I use Roda because I found it to be the most advanced framework, while still having this perfect simplicity that I always wanted.

Janko Marohnić

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