Evaluating (Ruby) Libraries
Whenever we need to solve a problem in our application, if this problem is common enough, chances are there are already libraries out there which can help us with that. Great, now we just pick the library with most GitHub stars, and start integrating it into our project. So, the next thing—
Wait. Wait just a minute. It’s great that there is a popular library for the functionality that we need, but we should be careful with our choice. Whatever library we choose, we’ll have to take the time to learn it and integrate it into our codebase. If this library later starts causing pain as our requirements grow, it is likely that at that point it’s already deeply integrated into our codebase, making switching to another library difficult.
In order to save time later, we should invest some time upfront in choosing the right library (even web frameworks or ORMs). It’s good to make a list of all active libraries which solve this same problem (awesome-ruby can help here), and then evaluate them using different criteria than just popularity; libraries that are more popular don’t necessarily have to be better.
In this post I want to talk about which criteria I use when evaluating Ruby libraries, and which ones I consider more valuable than others. For illustration I will also mention concrete libraries that I prefer and why.
More valuable criteria
Features & Flexibility
The most important criteria for me is how much the library can do; specifically, can the library satisfy my current requirements, and potential future requirements that come to mind. If library A allows me to do more than library B, I will almost always pick library A.
When it comes to choosing an ORM, I will always choose Sequel over ActiveRecord, simply because you can do more with it. One example (out of many) where this decision rewarded me: I knew that Sequel allows queries to return plain Ruby hashes/arrays instead of model instances, and there was one case where I was implementing an iterative algorithm, and just switching from model instances to plain hashes/arrays made my algorithm 3x faster.
Movie.where{rating > 4}.to_a #=> [#<Movie>, #<Movie>, ...]
DB[:movies].where{rating > 4}.to_a #=> [{...}, {...}, ...]
When it comes to choosing a web framework, Roda is my first choice. The reason why I don’t choose Rails is because, even though Rails is really big and complex, I don’t actually find it to be very advanced in terms of handling requests, which is the main purpose of a web framework. With Roda’s ability to handle incoming requests while routing them, I have the ultimate flexibility which opens so many doors. For example, if I want to add authorization for a mounted Rack endpoint, this is how I would do it in Roda:
class App < Roda
plugin :halt
plugin :render
route do |r| # yielded on each incoming request
r.on "videos" do
r.run VideoUploader::UploadEndpoint
def authorize!(role)
request.halt 403, render(:unauthorized) unless authorized?(current_user, role)
I have no idea how I would do that in Rails. We cannot be inside any controller, because the endpoint is what handles the request, so we have to do it in “nowhere land” that are Rails routes:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
upload_authorization = ->(request) do
if (id = request.session[:user_id]) && (current_user = User.find(id))
return true if Authorization.call(current_user, :upload)
throw :halt, [403, response.headers, [ApplicationController.render(:unauthorized)]]
constraints upload_authorization do
mount VideoUploader::UploadEndpoint, to: "/videos"
class HaltRequests
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)
catch(:halt) do
Rails.application.config.middleware.use HaltRequests
Gross. In the constraints
block we’re not inside of any controller, so we
have to reimplement authentication and authorization logic. Moreover, unlike
Roda and Sinatra, Rails doesn’t have a feature of halting requests, so we have
to implement that as well. No thanks, I’m sticking with Roda.
If the problem the library is solving is generic, then the library should be usable in any web framework. I know, I’m biased being a Ruby-off-Rails developer, which means I literally cannot use any Rails-specific gems. And most of you who are reading this are Rails developers, so why should you care? Well, since it seems people are increasingly using other Ruby web frameworks, I think it’s future-proof to center around libraries that everyone can use.
For example, for authentication and account management I believe even Rails developers should consider choosing Rodauth over Devise. Rodauth is an authentication and account management framework which is written in Roda and Sequel, but can be used with any web framework and any ORM. Rodauth achieves this by giving you a DSL to generate a Rack app that encapsulates all authentication logic, which you can then use as a middleware in your application:
class Authentication < Roda
plugin :rodauth do
enable :login, :logout, :create_account, :verify_account, :close_account
route do |r|
r.rodauth # handles all authentication routes
r.on "admin" do
rodauth.require_authentication # halts the request if unauthenticated
# user is authenticated, so let the request go through to Rails
Rails.application.config.middleware.use Authentication
The library also needs to be well-designed (good design usually brings more features). This might a bit difficult to evaluate before actually using the library, but I think it’s important to be able to easily understand how the library works and what are its main components. If the library doesn’t have good design, it will likely be difficult to maintain and to add more advanced features, and eventually the maintainer(s) could likely lose motivation to contribute to the library.
To continue on the previous example, Rodauth is much better designed than
Devise. For example, Devise’s configuration is scattered across five different
places: the initializer, models, routes, your controllers, and Devise’s
controllers. In Rodauth the whole authentication logic is encapsulated inside a
single Roda
subclass, and everything can be configured via the same DSL.
Rodauth was able to be born thanks to Roda and Sequel both also having great designs (and thus features as well). Rodauth couldn’t have been implemented using Rails, because with Rails you cannot create mountable Rack apps (as far as I know), and it couldn’t have been implemented using ActiveRecord, because ActiveRecord doesn’t support model-less queries (Rodauth’s design uses separate tables for separate features for performance and simplicity), or database-agnostic timestamp operations needed for 2FA.
It’s very important that a library is being actively maintained. If the maintainer is only merging pull requests, that is still classified as “maintenance”. When scanning library’s activity, I’ll often find it a bit alarming if I see a legit issue that hasn’t been solved for months.
Now, issues not being solved could be due to lack of time from maintainers. But it could also be due to lack of motivation; I’ve often seen maintainers abandoning their projects to later start a new and better one. So, while not always, lack of activity on the library might tell something about quality.
It’s also important for me that new versions of libraries are regularly released. I really like Jeremy Evans’ monthly release cycle, in which he tries to release a new version every month with whatever is currently on master. This is also for me another downside of ActiveRecord; patch releases are relatively frequent, but minor releases are approximately every 5-6 months, which is a very long time. And if you want to pull latest ActiveRecord from master, with it you also have to pull the whole Rails from master, which can be very inconvenient.
Less valuable criteria
Often when I’m publicly stating somewhere that Sequel is a better ORM than ActiveRecord, I get a response that a big advantage of ActiveRecord is that it’s familiar. However, by that logic you should always use the first library that you ever tried, because it will always be more familiar than any new library.
I think that what the library can do is much more important than how much you’re familar with it. Familiarity can always be “fixed” by reading documentation and source code, but if the library lacks features and good design, you cannot easily get around that. I’m not gonna lie, even though Sequel and ActiveRecord are very similar, deeply understanding Sequel still took a lot of time (like ActiveRecord did), but it was totally worth it.
The amount of stars a library has on GitHub is usually a good measure for its popularity. However, I’ve often found that popularity isn’t a good indication of library’s quality. I think this is because popularity is an exponential function; people will often automatically choose a library based on its popularity, thus increasing its popularity. Then when a new library arises which solves the problem in a better way, it is difficult to gain popularity.
Number of maintainers
I learned that some people consider it a downside if a library has only one maintainer, and that they will rather choose an alternative which has more maintainers. They are afraid that for whatever reason this maintainer might stop developing the library, causing the library to die. However, I don’t think this fear is justified. If a library has only one maintainer, that doesn’t mean other people wouldn’t be able to maintain it.
For example, Sequel is maintained perfectly: most of the time there are 0 open
issues because they are fixed quickly, and the author additionally helps anyone
at the Sequel Google group. The reason why there aren’t more Sequel maintainers
is because they simply wouldn’t have anything to do .
Even though ActiveRecord has a larger number of contributors, features like
still take 2 years to get merged. So I will always
rather choose Sequel, because it’s simply better maintained.
Rails integration
People often tend to choose library A over library B simply because library A has a Rails integration. However, I found that the time I spend setting up libraries with Rails or any other web framework is insignificant compared to the time it takes to actually develop my application. So I don’t think that Rails integration should be used as any kind of criteria for choosing a library.
I’ve sometimes experienced that libraries’ “railtie” reveal a lot of complexity in library’s setup. For example, Devise’s Rails integration among other things does the following: sets up Warden, extends routes with helper methods, tweaks route reloading, extends controllers with helper methods, sets up OmniAuth, and extends models with helper methods. A lot of people would react to this with: “Wow, Devise is so awesome that it sets up all of this for me”. But I think we should instead ask ourselves why does there need to be so much complexity.
I think we should be more mindful about the libraries we choose. The time that we spend evaluating alternatives is worthwhile considering the time that we’ll save by choosing the right library. We should try not to choose a library just because it’s part of Rails or because its popular, but because we really see the value of that library over the alternatives.
Make good choices, and you will be greatly rewarded